MHF Marley Hybrid

Close loop cooling tower (CLCT) design with additional heat exchanger increases the possibility of operation without spraying water

This allows the “free cooling” function to be activated earlier 

The additional heat exchanger can operate safely during the winter in series with the main cooler or in parallel

Easy service access makes maintenance and service work easier.

MHF element SPX Marley

MHF Marley Element

Increased cooling capacity with less or the same footprint. 

Compared to solutions based on galvanized steel exchanger MHF Element offers:

  • 15-30% increased cooling capacity
  • 20% weight reduction
  • 35% reduced flow rate
  • 35% reduced fan power consumption

In addition the copper exchanger increases the heat conductivity by 7 times compared to galvanised steel.

Bacteriostatic properties of copper additionally allow reduction of scale and sedimentation of dirt while maintaining the level of heat exchange throughout the entire operation period.

DT scheme close loop cooling tower SPX Marley

DT Marley

Marley DT liquid cooler is a closed cooling tower (CLCT) functioning in counterflow. Evaporating water washes directly over the heat exchanger, which allows for more efficient heat exchange in summer and the function of “dry” and free cooling. The additional option of a finned coil heat exchanger allows higher efficiencies and spray-free operation over a wider range than standard solutions. Information how the hybrid cooling loop cooling tower operates is shown here.